professional self-knowledge, reflexivity, self-identification, self-assessment, self-improvementAbstract
The article consistently examines the psychological features of the dynamics of the professional self-awareness of teachers in the structure of the professional “I”-image. Teachers were interviewed in groups, and teachers’ selfassessment was studied using the ranking method. A selection was made of qualities that teachers with different work experience like, and an assessment of these qualities in oneself. The significance of the important qualities of a teacher in professional activities at different stages of professional development was assessed by points. The distribution of positive answers to the questionnaire about the professional self-awareness of teachers with different work experience was carried out, the results are shown in the table. Based on the results of the data obtained, the generalized psychological profiles of the studied groups of teachers were analyzed. The results once again showed that the lack of mutual influence between gender and the professional “I”-image in the structure of the self-consciousness of female teachers reduces the self-actualization of the individual. Teachers with 1 to 5 years of work experience have a higher percentage in the “Understanding the purpose of pedagogical activity” block. The percentage of positive answers in the block “Satisfaction with success in mastering the teaching profession” is somewhat lower. Differences were revealed in the answers received in the questionnaire of professional selfawareness of teachers with different work experience. The formation of professional self-awareness is influenced not only by certain professional qualities, but also by the inner spiritual world of the teacher, his social environment, general trends in the development of the education system of the country and the world, as well as innovative processes in preparation for teaching and educating the younger generation. Also important is the general spiritual atmosphere that exists in society, intergenerational relations, ethnic identity and socio-political governance structures that affect the development of all spheres of life, including the education system.
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