


professional development, professional activity, competence


The article examines the main most common components of professional development of the individual at different stages of professionalization, considers different approaches to their definition. The importance of covering the issue of professional development of future SES officers at the stage of training and entering the profession is noted. Particular emphasis is placed on the specifics of learning conditions and the need for psychological training to perform practical professional tasks.The aim of the article is to determine the main components of the professional development of future SES officers, which affect the personality in the learning process and can contribute to the effective performance of professional tasks. To achieve this goal, an analysis was conducted, during which the competence of experts was assessed. The main factors in assessing the competence of experts were: the age of the expert, his experience, his experience in the position and education. Accordingly, an objective coefficient of competence was used for the study and then the experts answered test questions which were compiled. As a result, there were selected individuals, whose indicators are not competent in the study, so they were not taken into account. In the context of the presented material, was conducted an empirical study by the method of expert evaluations in order to assess the significance criteria for determining the main components of the professional development of a specialist in the SES. The most important components of these 25 criteria were identified using IBM SPSS Statistics statistics processing software. In the conclusion of the process of fulfilling the main goal of the study was established that the main components of professional development of a SES specialist are: purposefulness, future planning, general activity, ability to achieve goals, perseverance, interest in professional activities, independence in decision making, success.


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How to Cite

ЧАБАНЬ, А. (2022). THE MAIN COMPONENTS OF THE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF FUTURE OFFICERS OF THE SES. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (3 (52), 174-179.