


addiction, Internet addiction, gadget addiction, smart addiction, teenagers


The article presents the results of an empirical study of the current problem related to Internet addiction of modern youth, in particular the study of smart addiction (gadget addiction) of adolescents. Theoretical analysis of modern research of domestic and foreign scientists on the issue of Internet addiction of modern youth. The consequences of excessive use of smartphones, gadgets and being online for children’s mental and physical health have been analyzed. Excessive use of electronic gadgets has been shown to contribute to musculoskeletal disorders, characterized by damage to muscles, tendons, nerves in the neck, shoulders, forearms, hands, palms, weakness, numbness and impaired motor control and impaired vision. The purpose of the articleis to present the results of research on smart addiction and adolescence. It has been established that adolescents with a high level of smart dependence have problems with concentration, impaired vision, discomfort in the neck and forearms. There is a tendency to compulsive behavior, dominated by anxiety, irritability, conflict, communication with friends is carried out with the help of social. networks. Being online is used as a means of relieving stress, tension, can use trolling, bullying and other forms of emotional expression. Conclusions. The study showed that long-term use of electronic gadgets has a negative effect on the child’s body, so there is a need for psychological prevention and psychological education of healthy ways to use gadgets, promote an active lifestyle, form and establish communication in real life. Recommendations for overcoming and preventing the negative consequences of gadget addiction of young people are offered.


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How to Cite

БЕДАН, В. (2022). PSYCHOLOGICAL PREVENTION OF GADGET ADDICTION IN ADOLESCENTS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (4 (53), 5-11.