crisis, stress, coaching, spiritual and existential practices, constructive behaviorAbstract
The article substantiates the use of techniques to increase the freedom to choose behavior in a stressful situation. It is noted that the psychological support of the individual in times of crisis is currently the most pressing problem of our time. The aim of the article is to find techniques, ways and means that help a person cope with life’s difficulties, increasing the degree of his freedom of choice in the face of them. The main negative tendencies that control human behavior in a stressful situation are analyzed. It is stated that although the question of constructive behavior requires analysis of the complex interaction between the individual and the external situation in which the choice unfolds, but most stressful situations, regardless of objective difficulties have a common feature, which is expressed in restricting human freedom. Based on this, the author seems reasonable not to determine the constructiveness of different behaviors, and the search for innovative practices of psychological support of the individual in life crises. And in this sense, the rich material for analysis presents the experience and theoretical positions of coaching, which has a scientific and methodological basis. The main sources of coaching as a modern concept of practical psychology are sports coaching, artistic models of mentoring and spiritual and existential practices. The paper presents three coaching practices: reframing, movement from the result and dissociation technique when working with stress. Conclusions: The paper demonstrates that the use of spiritual and practical coaching practices in a crisis is relevant and vital for all areas of business and personally, because it helps to create conditions for qualitative changes in human life, which will inevitably lead to the desired result in accordance with their own requirements and a new round of self-development.
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