“unassisted work of students”, “organization of student’s unassisted work”, “getter’s educational activities”, psychological reasons, psychological training, getterAbstract
The article presents approaches to the psychological support of the organization of independent work of applicants for the specialty 053 Psychology of Higher Education. The peculiarities of the organization of independent work of applicants are revealed and the interrelation between the ways and means of organizing independent work and taking into account its psychological factors is clarified. The purpose of the article is to determine the psychological factors of independent work of applicants and to organize a means of psychological training. The characteristics of psychological training aimed at the formation of skills and abilities of independent work, as well as the development of the motivational and cognitive spheres of applicants are analyzed. Psychological training was held in three areas: work with a psychologist, work with teachers and work with applicants and consisted of several stages. The main direction was the work of a psychologist with applicants, the purpose of which was the development of motivational and cognitive qualities that contribute to the formation of the ability to productively organize independent work; A special direction was the work with teachers, the purpose of which was to acquire the necessary knowledge and the formation of appropriate skills of independent work in applicants. No less important is the work with a psychologist, which was aimed at developing awareness of psychological issues of formation and mastery of means of development of motivational, emotional, volitional and cognitive qualities that contribute to the formation of productive ability to organize independent work. Working with a psychologist was to implement information and tool modules. Conclusions. The introduction of psychological training in the process of organizing independent work of applicants for the specialty 053 Psychology is substantiated. It is proved that due to this its quality has significantly improved, the professional interest of future psychologists has increased, the information horizon has expanded, and applicants have acquired skills of independent work.
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