



stress, stress resistance, component, criterion, indicator, level, internal (personal) and external (social) stress-resistance resources


The relevance of the empirical study of stress resistance of students with special educational needs is highlighted by the fact that to this day there exist neither a single system for determining the level of stress resistance among students nor clear criteria and indicators of stress resistance. The aim of this paper is to determine the levels of stress resistance of students with special educational needs as well as to carry out a comparative analysis of stress resistance of students with special educational needs and healthy students. As a result of the research, two criteria of stress resistance of students with special educational needs were identified: personal (internal) criterion and social (external) criterion. Indicators of the formation of criteria are determined by neuropsychological stability, dominant state, general stress resistance, stress resistance in educational activities, subjective experience of happiness, frustration and vitality. It is proved that the stress resistance of students with SEN is caused by the situation of their social development and their conditions of living. It was found out that such students are characterized by the lower level of neuropsychological stability, more passive attitude to stress, low tonus, anxiety, greater variability of emotional tone and negative self-image when compared to healthy students. It was confirmed that most students with SEN have the low level of stress resistance, lower level of subjective experience of happiness, more pronounced frustration states in stress situation, and lower levels of vitality than healthy students.


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How to Cite

КУДІНОВА, М. (2022). EMPIRICAL STUDY OF STRESS RESISTANCE LEVELS OF STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (4 (53), 40-45. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.psych.2021.4.7