needs, motives, resources, crisis, personality, difficult life situationsAbstract
The article analyzes the basic approaches to the study of the crisis and identifies the features of this complex phenomenon in the life of the individual. The research is devoted to the problem of life crisis of the individual in the context of activation of own resources, which is relevant for psychology. The essence of motivation and its place in the structure of the psyche is determined. The forms of motives from the standpoint of psychodiagnostics are outlined. The purpose of the article is to deepen the theoretical understanding of the mechanisms and main determinants of life crisis from the standpoint of the motivator of activation of personal resources. In the process of work, an empirical study of motivational indicators was implemented, the research sample of which was made up of undergraduate students of the Izmail State University for the Humanities. 200 people took part in the experiment. Conclusions. The results of experimental study of motivational characteristics of personality in the structure of competence of students’ self-education using V. Milman’s method "Diagnosis of motivational structure of personality" are evidence that student respondents activate their motivational resources in the following order: first, communication; secondly, creative activity; thirdly, social status fourthly, social utility and fifthly, comfort and support of life support as a kind of manifestation of material values. The directions of further work in the circle of the outlined problems should be focused on the study of the peculiarities of the process of overcoming life crises in different age periods. In addition, the issue of development and testing of targeted methods and psychodiagnostic procedures is relevant, which will allow to study the mechanisms of awareness and choice of certain coping strategies and the dependence of these mechanisms on the development of components of self-awareness.
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