mental health, educational space, occupational risks, future specialist, nervous tensionAbstract
The article analyzes mental health: occupational risks and the health of future professionals in the educational space. The scientific views of various researchers on the definition of the phenomenon of "mental health" are considered. The aim of the article is to analyze mental health: occupational risks and the health of future professionals in the educational space. It is determined that the state of mental health of modern students is characterized by a large number of individual qualities, as well as a synthesis of biologically and socially determined features of their mental sphere. The main features of mental health of future professionals in the educational space include: successful adaptation to educational activities; approval by the team; low level of anxiety; emotional balance; ability to analyze the received information. It is proved that students in the educational space are characterized by increased requirements and different types of workload. In the process of studying at a higher education institution, a future specialist is formed, and his state of mental health influences the success of studies and lifestyle in general. Conclusions. Priority forms for maintaining mental health should include: educational activities based on providing information to future professionals on important issues of improving their health; prevention, in the form of interviews individually or for the whole group; diagnosis, psychological counseling. Of particular importance are the adaptations of first-year students, so they need to pay important attention, ie close cooperation with curators (mentors) of study groups; studying the personal qualities of the future specialist, informing students.We believe that it is necessary to integrate the experience of European colleagues in the field of education in solving the problem, first of all, taking into account the peculiarities of mental health in national programs and regulations. Prospects for further research in this aspect are the study of the dynamics, social and psychological trends and the main factors in maintaining and improving the mental health of future professionals in the educational space.
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