empathic abilities, structural-personal features, interpersonal interaction, interactive competence, typical forms of behavior, attitude to peopleAbstract
The article presents the results of an empirical study of the interpersonal interactionnature of persons with developed empathic abilities. To test the hypothesis that the regulatory function of empathy is manifested in the formation of friendly, benevolent relationships with others, in non-aggressive forms of conflict resolution, in general competence for effective interpersonal interaction in general, the analysis consisted of three successive steps. The first is to determine the accuracy and variability of the indicators that characterize empathic abilities, as well as to clarify the general trends of empathy in modern youth. Second, to establish the nature of the relationship between these indicators and different forms of behavior in interpersonal interaction. Third, a comparison of study groups with high and low levels of empathy. The analysis of individual data and primary statistics shows that most students have an average level of empathy, primarily due to the development of the ability to put yourself in the place of a partner and create an atmosphere of openness, trust, sincerity. Emotional sensitivity, the ability to understand the inner world of the interlocutor, unconsciously, on an intuitive level to perceive his emotional state and tune in to another developed in them a little worse. It was established in the process of correlation analysis that the regulatory function of empathy in interpersonal interaction is revealed through a direct connection with the development of personal resources of interpersonal interaction, social adaptability and willingness to reach mutual understanding in relationships, prone to avoid or adapt to conflict altruistic attitude towards people, as well as through a negative connection with social autonomy, competitive behavior in conflict, aggressive, suspicious attitude towards people. Identified by comparing groups with high and low levels of empathy, empathic people have a higher manifestation of the need for interpersonal interaction, the desire to establish contact, to expand communication, greater interest in people, the ability to understand the opponent’s point of view, flexibility of behavior that allows them more successfully regulate the level of conflict in the group, influence the well-being of relationships, adapt to other people’s decisions without trying to defend their own interests, or generally avoid conflict without resorting to aggressive behavior. In interaction, such persons often show themselves as polite, compromising, conforming, sociable, friendly in relationships. They are undemanding, not prone to accusations, willing to accept help, tend to trust partners.
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