hardiness, coping strategy, teenager, stress, difficult life situation.Abstract
The article reveals the psychological content of the phenomenon of coping behavioral strategies, in particular, it is presented as a mechanism for overcoming difficult life situations, the general dynamic process of the psyche, which functions to optimize the emotional state of the individual. It is emphasized that. these strategies can be adaptive (positive), effective and maladaptive (negative), or dysfunctional. Then an urgent need to develop the hardiness of the adolescent's personality for the effective ability not only to overcome difficulties but also opportunities to realize their potential, gaining autonomy in their own lives. It is determined that the most favorable and sensitive period of development of hardiness is adolescence. The purpose of the article is a psychological analysis of the role of hardiness in the development of adaptive coping strategies, identifying the relationship between the level of hardiness and the manifestation of coping strategies Conclusions. The article presents the results of an empirical study, which provided an opportunity to identify the psychological features of the manifestation of coping strategies of adolescent behavior, namely to determine the dependence of their manifestation on the level of hardiness. In particular, it was confirmed that a high level of vitality contributes to the development of adaptive coping behavioral strategies, the ability to find favorable ways to resolve the situation, and the ability to exercise effective self-regulation. While a low level of hardiness hinders its development, it forms maladaptive coping strategies, causing feelings of depression and hopelessness.
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