


metacognitive activity, metacognitive processes, subject, subjectivity, subject activity.


The article presents the results of theoretical analysis of metacognitive activity from the standpoint of subjective approach. The research in this direction is topical because of the urgent need to overcome the impersonality of this activity, to bring the subject of this activity into the problem field of the research with diversity of its biological, psychophysiological and personal characteristics. The aim of the article is to substantiate theoretically metacognitive activity as a feature of the subject, to describe how a personality is involved in the regulation of its cognitive processes. To achieve this goal, general scientific theoretical methods were used: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison and generalization of the results of scientific research; the basic psychological principles were taken into account: determinism, development, consistency, objectivity. The scientific novelty of the study is that: metacognitive activity is first interpreted from the point of view of the subject approach; its relationship with subject activity is described; refined its specific properties. Conclusions. The metacognitive activity as integrative phenomenon, the main function of which is to regulate cognitive mental processes, depends on the subject, who is responsible for such functions as self-regulation, self-organization, self-determination. Personality as a subject of activity is characterized by the ability to purposefully transform objective reality, the creation of one's own being, the realization of one's intentions, the management of one's way of life, manifested in the level of its subjectivity. The subject decides on the need to apply regulatory functions, acts as the initiator and organizer of metacognitive activity. Based on the analysis of scientific research, it is established that some metacognitive processes may be unconscious, initiated by objective factors, but metacognitive activity in the case when it is motivated by the interests of the individual, obtain the traits of subjective activity.


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How to Cite

ВАТАН, Ю. . (2022). METACOGNITIVE ACTIVITY IN SUBJECTIVE DIMENSION. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (1 (54), 12-18.