personality, self-concept, self-determination, early adolescence.Abstract
The article presents the results of an empirical study of the self-concept as a factor of personal self-determination in early adolescence. It is shown that scientific works on the problems of self-concept reveal the meaningful meanings of this complex phenomenon and at the same time come to new problems and differentiate issues related to it, which is reflected even in definitions, concepts, terms related to self ( self-image, self-concept, self-ideal, self-real, super self, etc.). It is noted that the operational arsenal of self-values is growing and expanding in connection with the understanding of the complexity of the structural and substantive characteristics of the process of self-determination, socialization and individuality. At the present stage of development of psychology, studies of the inner world of the individual, the core of which is its self-concept, are studied, and various social conditions that affect the formation of the self-concept of personality are studied. Scientists have deepen theoretical and methodological analysis and discover new aspects of substantiation of the category "I-concept" through self-assessment, self-assessment, selfdetermination, self-affirmation, self-perception in terms of joint activities, the impact of self-concept on motivation, spiritual needs, values, professional development Me and so on. It is noted that the development of human selfconcept, from early childhood and throughout life, is influenced by internal and external factors. The purpose of the article is to highlight the results of an empirical study of the self-concept as a factor of personal self-determination in early adolescence. Conclusions. The peculiarities of cognitive, emotional-evaluative and behavioral components of the selfconcept of personality in early adolescence are revealed. It is shown that the self-efficacy of students as a result of self-determination of the formed self-concept depends most on the availability of work, their attitude to themselves as values, the acquisition of leadership positions and reflexivity.
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