organization, personnel motivation, motivational environment, material and intangible factors of activity motivation, system.Abstract
Purpose: to analyze the content as a phenomenon and the concept of "motivational environment of the organization", its features on the implementation of the functioning of organizations. Methodology: the method of theoretical analysis is applied through its theoretical-plural variety according to the approaches of realization. The foreign publication noted gaps in the available methods of studying the motivation of the individual in professional activities in relation to the causal type of research. The study of motivation as a complex and systemic phenomenon, and especially the motivational environment for causal relationships, is in fact unable to describe it quite realistically. In addition, the configuration approach is potentially useful in order to explore the motivational environment of the organization, which will be done in future research. Scientific novelty: gained an in-depth understanding of the concept of "motivational environment" through its more detailed delineation of the main features and constructs. More and more accurately filled with the content, determined the scientific and practical benefits of using such a concept in scientific use. Conclusions: The motivational environment of the organization is a set of factors that can potentially enhance the professional activity of the employee by creating conditions, incentives and proposals in the organization that individually and in the system can meet the needs of all staff. Motivational environment can be regulated and purposeful, which significantly directly affects the ability of the organization to perform its tasks. Motivational environment has two main groups of factors, namely tangible and intangible, which in the combined version can be powerful enough to enhance sufficient motivation in the staff of the organization. It is expedient to group all possible needs through such selected groups of needs as to acquire, converge, understand and protect. At this time it is clear that to form, manage a motivational environment in the organization is not only possible but also very necessary.
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