professional development, future psychologists, resource provision, narrative approach, narrative, self-determination.Abstract
In the conditions of modern transformational society, the problem of professionalization of socionomic professions representatives is gaining wide popularity in the scientific environment. The problems of educational motivation in students of psychological specialty, that are revealed by a number of foreign and domestic scientists, aggravate the urgency of research of resource provision for future psychologists' professional development and also create demand for the search of effective ways of its psychological correction. The purpose of article is a theoretical and practical reflection of the problem of resource provision for future psychologists' professional development with the presentation of the author's narrative technique for its structural elements psychological correction. Methods. The research methodology was formed by methods of theoretical analysis of the problem, methods of psychological diagnosis; with the help of narrative approach principles, it was created the author's technique of constructing the image "I am a future psychologist" with additional use of the projective drawing method; content analysis. Participants of the training format, in which the technique was used, were 4th year full-time students majoring at 053 Psychology of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky State Pedagogical University (32 recipients), who had previously participated in an empirical research experiment. In the result of the used technique, it was determined the semantic core of students' notes in such categories as the professional development basis, weaknesses, strengths, emotions and feelings related to the profession, difficulties in professional development, ways to solve such difficulties. With the help of content analysis and qualitative interpretation of the received verbal and visual materials, it was found that students are afraid to start a professional career, make mistakes, gain experience. This is reflected in their insecurity, lack of concrete ways to solve the difficulties of professional development and internal base of professionalization. Conclusions. Finally, with the help of narrative technique, the problematic tendencies of resource provision for future psychologists' professional development are additionally identified, in particular, the specifics of emotional attitude to one's professional "I-image" among students-psychologists are specified. The directions of further psychological correctional influence have been adjusted.
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