internally displaced children of primary school age, psycho-emotional disorders, anxiety, aggression, psycho-correctional program.Abstract
The article presents the results of a study of the problem of psycho-emotional disorders relevant to modern psychology, namely: anxiety and aggression of internally displaced persons of primary school age, which can have serious consequences that will affect all later life. Therefore, it is important to study these violations and find the means and methods of providing psychological assistance to children – migrants. Various scientific approaches to the study of the problem are analyzed. It was determined that anxiety and aggression are the most pronounced emotional disorders that are observed in internally displaced children of primary school age. The aim of the study was to study the features of emotional disorders in internally displaced migrant children, as well as to develop and test the program of work of a practical psychologist with this category of primary school children. An empirical study of psychoemotional status, levels of aggression and anxiety in internally displaced children of primary school age, showed that almost all indicators of anxiety and aggression are at high and medium levels, ie most of the subjects tend to have problems with emotional state. Based on the analysis of the study, psychocorrectional classes were developed aimed at correcting anxiety and aggression of internally displaced children of primary school age with the help of art therapy.After corrective work among children with high levels of anxiety and aggression, a re-diagnosis was performed, which showed a statistically significant reduction in the results of anxiety and aggression and improved psycho-emotional state of internally displaced children of primary school age. Conclusions. The application of the obtained research results in the practical work of school psychologists is substantiated, namely: developed and tested psychocorrection program of practical psychologists with psychoemotional disorders in internally displaced primary school children, as well as diagnostic methods to identify risk groups – primary school children with emotional disorders, and namely increased anxiety, aggression and low levels of adaptation for socio-psychological support.
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