



communicative Internet practices, media environment, social and network dependence, social and psychological adaptation, student youth.


The article considers the features of socio-psychological adaptation and communication of student youth in the modern media environment. It is determined that during the study in ZVO students lay the foundations of professionalism, the need and readiness for continuous self-education is formed, etc. This is largely determined by the success of adaptation and communication processes that should be taken into account in the educational process. Thus, the aim of our study is to determine the features of socio-psychological adaptation and communication of student youth in the modern media environment. The methodological basis of the article are general psychological provisions on the nature and development of personality in the process of life, theoretical provisions on the nature and patterns of mental development, personality, socio-psychological adaptation and communication in the modern media environment, the principle of systematic approach. The scientific novelty of the study is to determine the features of socio-psychological adaptation and communication of student youth in the modern media environment; development of measures that can accelerate the entry of freshmen into the team; minimized the consequences of maladaptation of student youth in the modern media environment. Conclusions. Thus, socio-psychological adaptation can be defined as a process of optimal matching of personality and professional and educational environment. In the case of adaptation of students to the conditions of higher education institutions, these two sides will be as follows: adaptation to the conditions of the educational process and socio-psychological adaptation in the study group. The list of the main socio-psychological factors influencing the process of adaptation of students includes the factors of the new learning environment, the new socio-psychological environment, the new information and cognitive space and the factor of the professional environment. These factors can have both positive and negative effects on the process of adaptation of student youth. This may depend on the psychological characteristics of the individual, the explanation of which involves a set of internal conditions that change under the influence of external influences.


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How to Cite

ШИНКАР, М. . (2022). FEATURES OF SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL ADAPTATION AND COMMUNICATION OF STUDENT YOUTH IN THE MODERN MEDIA ENVIRONMENT. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (1 (54), 91-99. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.psych.2022.1.13