The tasks of a psychologist are various and requirements are often contradictory. The biggest problem for psychologist — beginners is a shortage of one’s own experience of practical work (because institutes provide insufficient practical preparation during training). That is why, most of all, a psychologist — beginner can not foresee the influence of his/her interactions with a client, including, but not limited to, the shortage of one’s own experience of personal therapy, a shortage of own client experience. The main task which a psychologist on the first stage of becoming a professional has to solve is the acquisition of own experience, determination, with own short-term aims and reference points, criteria for effectiveness, and as a result the forming of his/her own professional identity.
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Абрамова Г. С. Практична психологія — М., 1997. — 368 с.
Мей Р. Мистецтво психологічного консультування. — М., 2000, — 259 с.