This article tents to accomplish an analysis for differentiation the actions of patients who were mentally injured. There are two different models of acting that patients lead to under the influence of a psychic trauma that happened. The first one is Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that causes the process of a periodical blocking the information about the psychic trauma within the capsulated state of Ego. This model is characterized by the significant increase of an Alexithymia`s level (the level is nine times higher in comparing with its effect for patients who develop Psoriasis). The second model is Psoriasis, which refers to a state of mind open for memories about the trauma. For that reason the higher degree of patients` durability and willingness for risk is in need to provide the psychical equilibrium. Patients of this group are distinguished by the highly increased resoluteness — this will’s component is more that 100 times higher than is for the PTSDpatients. The psychical correction for the patients that develop PTSD is based on the process of de-capsulation, i. e. integrating the psychical trauma into the life experience. The technique for reducing Psoriasis refers to a mental constructing of pain and eliminating it away to the past as an episode of unimportance both for now and the future.
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