psychological defenses, self-concept, “Life Style Index” method by Plutchik-Kellerman, M. Kuhn’s method of 20 answers “Who am I?”.Abstract
The article reveals the results of theoretical and empirical research of interrelation of personality self-concept features and psychological defenses. The approaches to studying of such interrelation in the Ukrainian and foreign psychological literature are analyzed. The aim of the article is to reveal the results of empirical research of interrelation of psychological defenses and features of self-concept with the help of the method “Life Style Index” by Plutchik-Kellerman (LSI) and the modified version of M. Kuhn’s method “Who am I?”. Presence of reliable interrelations between psychological protections and features of selfconcept of the personality was proved by means of statistical calculations. Conclusions. The self-concept is a dynamic and at the same time stable system of personal perceptions of the self. When a personality is confronted with the fact of a threat to his self-concept due to a disagreement between “I am in a real situation” and “I must respond to my self-concept”, psychological defenses act as regulators of self-concept stability. Depending on which component of the self-concept appears before the “threat”, according to a high probability a certain type of psychological protection is engaged.
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