emotional burnout, emotional intelligence, teacher, specialized boarding school.Abstract
The paper considers the influence of emotional intelligence of teachers of specialized boarding schools on the syndrome of emotional burnout. The studied syndrome is primarily due to its individual psychological factors. Accordingly, the study of these factors will help teachers to focus on their psychological nature of the individual and in the future to prevent the destructive phenomenon – emotional burnout. The main provisions and conclusions can be used in the development of psychoprophylactic and psychocorrectional programs to overcome emotional burnout in teachers of specialized schools by practical psychologists, teachers, leaders and other professionals. The purpose of the article: to investigate the impact of emotional intelligence on the emotional burnout of teachers of specialized boarding schools. Conclusions. After analyzing the concept of «emotional burnout» in research, we determined that the syndrome of «emotional burnout» is a stress response that occurs due to long-term occupational stress of medium intensity. The study revealed that the emotional burnout syndrome is characterized by consistent dynamics of development, symptoms. It is established that the syndrome of «emotional burnout» occurs in most teachers of educational institutions, and also has its own specifics of manifestation in this professional activity. After statistical processing of the results of our study, it was found that the lower the level of emotional intelligence, the greater the predisposition of teachers of special boarding schools to the syndrome of emotional burnout. According to some scales, if a teacher has a low ability to control their emotions and the emotions of others, it increases the tendency to expand the scope of saving emotions, traumatic circumstances, self-dissatisfaction, depersonalization, inadequate emotional response and psychosomatic and psychovegetative disorders.
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