emotional burnout syndrome, phases of emotional burnout, symptoms of emotional burnout, factors of emotional burnout, personal maturity, psychologists-consultantsAbstract
The article highlights the actual problem of the features of the syndrome of emotional burnout of psychology consultants. The purpose of the article is to study the characteristics of the syndrome of emotional burnout of psychology consultants and the nature of its interrelationships with their level of stress and personal maturity. The research used methods of theoretical analysis of literature, psychological testing using methods of diagnosing the level of emotional burnout V.V. Boyko, professional burnout by K. Maslach, S. Jackson, adapted by N.E. Vodopyanova, psychological stress scale PSM-25 and personal maturity interviewer test by Y.Z. Hilbuch, methods of mathematical and statistical processing and qualitative interpretation of the received data. Empirically, it was found that almost half of psychology consultants have a high level of emotional burnout. At the same time the phase of resistance (formed in most of the researched) was the most expressive. However, the phases of tension and exhaustion were also formed in almost half of the respondents. The majority of psychology consultants had developed symptoms of experiencing psycho-traumatic circumstances, expansion of the sphere of saving emotions and emotional deficit. A high level of all indicators of professional burnout, and especially emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, as well as an unsatisfactory level of personal maturity and its aspects, were observed in a significant part of the subjects. It was found that psychology consultants with a higher level of emotional burnout are characterized by a higher level of mental tension, resistance, exhaustion, depersonalization and a lower level of personal maturity and all its aspects. It was found that personal maturity is one of the factors of counteracting the emotional burnout of psychology consultants, which is the novelty of our research.
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