



psychological health, youth, psychological well-being, factors of psychological health, reference social environment


The article presents the results of the operationalization of the concept of "psychological health of youth". In Ukrainian human science, health psychology as a new and popular scientific direction is just beginning to actively develop. The researches of domestic scientists are devoted to the study of: correlation between categories of psychological and mental health; dominant emotional and personal states of a psychologically healthy person, detection communicative, moral-ethical and spiritual factors of the formation of psychological health of an individual, psychological health as the basis of social activity, techniques and methods of supporting psychosomatic health, psychological health as a criterion of internal freedom and conditions for the professional development of an individual, etc. But in the modern socio-political conditions of Russian aggression, when issues of physical survival of people come to the fore, there is a need for a new phenomenology of psychological health of youth. Empirically, a number of factors that create a holistic phenomenon of the psychological health of young people and contain both socially determined and internal incentives have been identified. The most significant factors for the psychological health of young people, according to experts represented by leading psychologists and students, are: among external factors – a sense of psychological well-being, social support, optimism and stability, mental balance and stability, reference social environment, socio-political, legal guarantees provided by the state. Among the internal factors, the most significant for students are: confidence in their own strength and potential, the need for social support and a subjective feeling of psychological well-being, optimism and stability.


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How to Cite

КУРОВА, А. (2022). OPERATIONALIZATION OF THE CONCEPT OF "MENTAL HEALTH" ON A SAMPLE OF MODERN YOUTH. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (3(56), 26-31. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.psych.2022.3.4