synergy, theory analysis, general scientific concept, organizational and psychological content of the conceptAbstract
The purpose of the work: Analytical research of the concept of "synergy" in the general scientific sense, its psychological features of functioning in the organization. Methodology: the method of theoretical analysis is applied. Scientific novelty: psychological phenomena are singled out, which determine the possibility of achieving the effect of synergy in joint professional activities. The identified phenomena can also be extended to professional organizations. Conclusions: synergy is considered and applied by many scientists from various sciences as a key phenomenon of the functioning of nature, of all its structures as an open system. Synergetics as an interdisciplinary science is potentially capable of reconciling contradictions between many sciences. The most important thing in synergetics in the general scientific interpretation is the ability of different structures to arise as a result of self-organization due to instability in them under influences of different origin, intensity and power. This leads to bifurcation and disrupts the previously formed order. Therefore, there is an initiation of chaos, which will necessarily cause qualitative changes, the path of development of the system. Synergy can be positive or negative. The latter arises due to the presence of antagonistic components within the same system. A number of psychological phenomena can be considered psychological aspects of synergy in the organization. They are coincidences in the staff regarding values of general and professional content, level of organization of the system through the development of norms, establishment of stable relations, coordination of efforts of group members, social recognition, encouragement in form of a mental model of group, social responsibility as a prerequisite for effective activity, presence of an expert-facilitator as a leader and coordinator, who clearly defines role of everyone in achieving overall result, coordination in decision-making, self-identification of group.
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