young children, preschoolers, play therapy, psychodiagnostics, trust, safetyAbstract
The article presents the results of a theoretical generalization of the problem of children's play of children of early and preschool age. The theoretical basis of modern methods of psychological assistance to children is defined. It has been established that observation of children's play is the main method in the work of a child psychologist. Psychodiagnostic criteria for the development of children's play are presented. The article presents a scheme of play activities of young children: play as a subject-manipulative activity, the content of the game, the plot of the game, the interaction of children in the game, game actions, game objects, conflicts in the game, the game environment, the role of an adult in leading the game, the peculiarities of language in game activity. The scheme of analysis of play activities of preschool children is determined: preparatory stage, plot and content of the game, game actions, role-playing speech, motor accompaniment of the game, degree of cooperation and emotional background of the game, completion of the game. The article offers practical recommendations for psychologists to conduct play therapy with children who have experienced a traumatic impact. Adherence to the setting (rules) of play therapy plays an important role in restoring the sense of trust and security lost during military operations in children and their parents.
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