



psychological rehabilitation, assistance, children, traumatic experience, war experiences, military actions


This article presents the findings regarding the psychological rehabilitation of children who have undergone traumatic experiences due to hostilities. The unstable situation in the country resulting from hostilities, particularly initiated by the Russian Federation, poses a constant threat to life and leads to significant stress, especially among children. Consequently, numerous psychological disorders such as sleep disturbances, attention deficits, memory impairments, anxiety disorders, and nervous conditions manifest in this population. The primary objective of this article is to highlight the issue of psychological rehabilitation for children from war zones. To accomplish this goal, a range of methods were employed, including analysis of psychological literature, comparison of scientific sources to determine the extent of research on this problem, systematization to define and clarify fundamental research concepts and existing scientific approaches, and generalization to formulate conclusive statements and draw conclusions. It is evident that the effectiveness of psychological rehabilitation for children in high-stress situations caused by hostilities can only be achieved through timely and appropriate utilization of active forms of psychological assistance. Based on theoretical study and empirical research, this article proposes the main directions for psychological rehabilitation of children who have experienced trauma during times of hostilities. A significant emphasis is placed on fostering conscious activity and facilitating close collaboration among specialists to maintain, regulate, and foster a healthy psychological climate.


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How to Cite

ФУШТЕЙ, О., & САРАНЧА, І. (2023). FEATURES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL REHABILITATION FOR CHILDREN WHO HAVE EXPERIENCED TRAUMATIC HOSTILITIES. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (1(57), 41-45. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.psych.2023.1.7