arttherapy technologies, psychological help for children, difficult life circumstances, emergency situation, psychological support, psychological trauma.Abstract
The article highlights the peculiarity of arttherapeutic technologies for psychological help to children under the hours of war, which involves their creativity self-expression in the process of group work. It was revealed the specifics of trainings lesson with using of techniques of painting which have been conducted within the scope of the activity of the Center of Psychological Support “Together with you”, It’s found out, that in difficult life circumstances children feel the same strong feelings that and adults (helplessness, confussion, fear, destruction of the illusion of the fair wold etc.). The experience of activity of international organization (War Child, Save the Children, UNICEF, PIN etc.) in psychosocial support of children and adults, who have been suffered due to military action, was analyzed. It’s defined, the aim of psychological help to children in extreme situations is preserve their physical and mental health, return the lost sense of security and involve them in active everyday life. A non-experimental research strategy was offered due to child psychotherapy is the individually oriented field of application of psychological knowledge. To achieve the goal the complex of methods was used: theoretical (analysis and synthesis, comparison, systematization and generalization conceptual principles of the researching issues are presented in scientific sources), empirical (observation, conversation, analysis of activity’s results), projective and hermeneutic (understanding, interpretation). Significant attention was paid to the content of training work with children with application arttherapy technologies (non-directive play therapy, isotherapy, fairy-tale therapy etc.). It’s shown, that in the process of group form of work children can manifest their painful experiences and feelings, learn to recognize and understand their emotions and another group’s participants, acquire prosocial interaction skills by identifying with various toy characters and focusing on approve patterns of behavior. Advantages of using arttherary in restoring psycho-emotional state of children, who have experienced psychotraumatic events are substantiated.
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