creativity, creative abilities, personal development, professional formation, students.Abstract
The article analyzes the problem creativity of a person as a component of personal development and professional formation of students. It is noted that in modern conditions, Ukrainian society needs specialists with a high level of imaginative thinking, creativity, who are able to critically consider problems and creatively solve tasks in the process of professional activity. The purpose of the article is to carry out a theoretical analysis of the scientific approaches of domestic and foreign scientists to understanding and substantive content of the concept of «creativity», to reveal the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of students' creativity in educational environment of a higher education institution. It is determined that a research of the development of creativity of a person is complicated by different scientific approaches of scientists to understanding and defining the concept of «creativity», together with which the concepts of «art», «creative abilities », «creative potential» are used as synonyms in psychological science. The definitions of creativity given in the article indicate a broad and multifaceted interpretation of this phenomenon – from an activity approach to its generation and manifestation as art creation to a subjectively unique content and understanding as a personal characteristic that ensures the production of new ideas, non-standard solutions, original inventions. It is defined that creativity is an integral feature of a person, which ensures his/her successful and productive creative activity. The development of creativity during student years is becoming more significance. The quality of higher education should be determined by the ability of educational institution and scientific and pedagogical employees to create a favorable educational environment for the development of creativity and creative thinking of students. For this purpose, it is defined the psychological and pedagogical conditions which contribute to the development of students' creativity in the process of their professional training in a higher education institution.
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