


frustration tolerance, socio-cultural transformations, mental well-being, interpersonal relations, adaptation to modern conditions


The article presents the results of a study that reveals important aspects of frustration tolerance and its impact on mental well-being and social adaptation. The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and empirically prove the effectiveness of positive psychotherapy as a way to develop frustration tolerance in modern youth. The study highlights various aspects of this concept, including its role in professional activities, interpersonal relationships, and the general state of society. The analysis of frustration tolerance in the professional sphere reveals how a person can adapt to challenges and stresses in the work environment. A high level of this tolerance can be key to overcoming difficulties and achieving career goals. The study of the relationship between frustration tolerance and interpersonal relationships reveals important points for understanding and improving social interaction. Mismatches between expectations and needs can cause frustration, but individuals with developed tolerance can demonstrate the ability to build constructive interpersonal relationships. The paper examines the impact of frustration tolerance on mental health and physical condition. Long-term frustration can lead to a decrease in immunity and the risk of developing mental disorders. Thus, this article aims to expand our understanding of frustration tolerance and identify its role in modern society. The results obtained can serve as a basis for developing effective strategies to increase frustration tolerance and improve the quality of life of individuals. The methodology of this study includes a set of approaches and methods aimed at a thorough analysis and study of frustration tolerance. The scientific literature in psychology, sociology and other relevant fields was analyzed to clarify the concept of frustration tolerance and to study previous research in this area. The scientific novelty of this study is to expand the understanding of the phenomenon of frustration tolerance and its impact on various aspects of human life, especially in the current conditions of rapid changes in society.


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How to Cite

НОВАК, А. (2023). FRUSTRATION TOLERANCE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (5(61), 12-17.