


stress, self-regulation, grounding, psychological rehabilitation, psychotechnics, efficiency


In the context of today's psychological challenges, namely the traumatization of combatants as a result of participation in the russian-Ukrainian war, body-oriented methods are an important and effective direction for the psychological recovery of Ukrainian soldiers. Using these methods in combination with various psychotechniques, servicemen not only overcome emotional stress through physical activity, but also restore harmony between the physical and mental components of the body, maintain mental stability, and adapt to extreme service conditions more quickly. The article is aimed at presenting to a wide scientific circle the author's method of body-oriented therapy “Logs” (Shevchenko V. G.). In the study, an analysis of scientific sources on psychological assistance using body-oriented approaches, systematized and generalized psychological data on the research problem, and a synthesis of this information were carried out for a better understanding of modern theoretical aspects regarding the justification of the feasibility of using the “Logs” method in the complex psychological recovery of military personnel. – participants in hostilities who experienced combat stress. The method of body-oriented therapy “Logs” as a complex of basic exercises with constantly complicating tasks was decoded within the framework of pilot projects of medical and psychological rehabilitation of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (2018), which covered about 700 war veterans – participants in hostilities. A military serviceman, after participating in training using the “Logs” method, will experience positive changes in the perception and overcoming of stress, will gain new knowledge and skills in psychological self-regulation and will improve the quality of sleep, restore balance in the psychophysiological state, reduce the level of anxiety, tension and fatigue, strengthen his internal resources and will improve general well-being. It has been established that, in addition to the body-oriented effect, the “Logs” technique contains both preventive and therapeutic effects in overcoming the consequences of stress.


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How to Cite

КУЛАКЕВИЧ, М. (2024). USE OF THE BODY-ORIENTED THERAPY “LOGS” METHOD IN THE PSYCHOLOGICAL RECOVERY OF MILITARY SERVANTS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (1(62), 10-14.