general giftedness, inclinations, abilities, signs of giftedness, childhoodAbstract
The article analyzes the scientific literature on the problem of children's talents. The basic concepts of giftedness are analyzed, its components are defined. The study of socio-psychological characteristics of gifted children is an urgent problem of modern science and practice, as only the process of harmonious development of gifted children, adaptation, socialization and integration of young people into public life to actualize their highest creative and civic feelings, high legal, aesthetic, moral culture largely determine the future development of the potential of society, the nation. The article summarizes the views of scientists on the structure of the child's talent and identifies the following components: anatomical and physiological inclinations; sensory-perceptual blocks with hypersensitivity; intellectual potential; emotional and volitional structure; high level of reproduction of new images, fantasy, imagination. The conclusions state that talent is defined in a broad sense as cognitive, social and motivational potential that allows to achieve high results in one or more areas.
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