ecological education, students, higher educational institution, observation, survey, associative methodsAbstract
The article defines and substantiates the psychological and pedagogical prerequisites and develops a methodological approach to the gradual formation of environmental education of future psychologists in training. The concept of research of ecological education which provides use of external supervision, interrogation and associative technique is developed. The study of scientific and pedagogical literature, the results of observations of the practical activities of teachers of higher educational institutions and their own pedagogical practice convince that the problem of forming environmental education of students in the organization of independent cognitive activity has not been the subject of purposeful comprehensive psychological and pedagogical research. As a result of theoretical analysis it is established that the most important for the formation of ecological education of students of private higher education institutions is mental inclusion in the world of nature as one that has a system of indicators, allows to form a typology of ecological consciousness; on the basis of levels of achievement on separate indicators there is an opportunity to outline the general levels of formation of ecological consciousness that defines ecological education of the person.
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