
  • Roman Tsishchyk West Ukrainian National University
  • Nataliya Kotys West Ukrainian National University



statistics, statistical analysis, statistical methods, statistical tools, statistical indicators, databases, enterprise management, manager


Statistical data allow to evaluate the level and quality of life of the population; to determine the volume of gross and regional product; to identify major trends in the development of the economy; to assess the inflation level; to analyze the state of financial and commodity markets, competitiveness of enterprises, products and services; to assess correctly the results of production and financial activities of corporations and firms; to identify their internal production reserves, etc. It actualizes the study of the possibilities to apply statistical analysis by managers in the process of enterprise management. The purpose of this article is to determine the nature and place of statisticians in management and scientific justification of the feasibility of using statistical analysis to improve the management process at enterprises. The article focuses on the growing role of statistics in management of organizations and enterprises of all forms of ownership. The expediency of using statistical tools to assess the activities of enterprises is substantiated. It is proved that effective enterprise management is associated with the need for timely receipt and analysis of complete, reliable, scientifically grounded statistical information. The essence and methodological bases of statistical support of enterprise management are determined. The analysis of efficiency of application of methods of the statistical analysis by managers is carried out. Recommendations for managers of different levels on setting up a system of keeping statistics at the enterprise are given. The problems are investigated and the directions of improvement of enterprise management on the basis of statistical analysis are substantiated. Statistical analysis and statistical observation should be part of the process of making and implementation of management decisions by managers of enterprises. The application of statistical methods in the management process allows reflecting reasonably the process and results of economic activity of enterprises, to increase their competitive opportunities.


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