
  • Inna Shevchenko National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
  • Lina Shenderivska National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”




publishing and printing industry, crisis state, financial stability, balance model of crisis diagnostics, relative indicators of financial condition of the enterprise


The modern economic system of Ukraine is in a rather unstable position. In modern conditions, the deterioration of the economic situation is becoming increasingly important crisis management of the enterprise, namely the choice of optimal methods for diagnosing the crisis of enterprises. Based on the work of experienced scientists in crisis management, we can say that to diagnose the crisis of the enterprise must first determine the nature of the crisis and based on the life cycle of the enterprise, it is necessary to assess the potential threat of bankruptcy of the publishing industry to identify the crisis and exit from it through corporate strategies of recovery and restructuring As a result of constant changes in legislation, political and economic life of the state, there are many fundamentally new factors influencing domestic enterprises of the publishing and printing industry. This is facilitated by international political, economic and financial crises, the global pandemic of 2020, and the domestic political and economic situation. For many domestic enterprises, especially in the publishing and printing industry, there is a real threat of bankruptcy. The management of commercial organizations needs to have an effective tool for early diagnosis of crisis phenomena, the ability to identify their cause and eliminate it by adjusting their own development strategies. The article examines the financial and economic condition of 6 publishing and printing companies, identifies the factors that have the greatest impact on their financial stability and developed a balance model for crisis diagnosis. To diagnose the crisis of publishing and printing companies use the same methods, only taking into account some features of the industry described earlier. And the key to the successful elimination of most crises, the company should identify them in advance and take a number of appropriate preventive measures. It is necessary to use a proactive method that allows you to either eliminate the cause of the crisis, or adapt the company to new conditions and thus avoid a crisis. We propose to use the method of correlation-regression analysis - is the construction and analysis of economic-mathematical model in the form of a regression equation (correlation equation), which expresses the dependence of the resultant feature on one or more feature factors and estimates the degree of connection density. With further research and improvement of the model, it can become a reliable means of rapid identification of potential threats to the financial and economic condition of the enterprise. The experience of studying the methodology of construction of such a model will be useful for future professionals to apply it in future professional activities.


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