fundraising, industrial park, domestic economy, сrowdfunding, financingAbstract
The report defines and clarifies the concept of fundraising as an element of interaction in accordance with the need for funding and dissemination of information between the public and the potential on the example of the industrial park "Svema". The ways of applying fundraising and its main tools for providing opportunities for financing industrial park projects are considered on the example of my research park "Svema". The article proposes the use of fundraising techniques as the optimal means of financial support of industrial parks, in comparison with other methods of crowdfunding, crowdsourcing and other tools of modern financial policy in the economic process. The principles of application of the methodology of financial support of entrepreneurship, startups in the system of industrial parks of the modern economic system of management are considered. Strong public relations contributes to the establishment of mutually beneficial relations with government agencies in order to implement various business projects, bringing them to a larger scale. Managers of enterprises, in particular industrial parks, should aim to use the principles of fundraising to ensure the dynamic development of their substructures and promote them not only at the micro level of the economy. An effective method of interaction with the public helps to increase the demand for a particular economic activity, increase its effectiveness, profitability and reputation in today's economic space. All nonprofits use fundraising software to make their fundraising process more efficient and streamlined. Using the right software can help increase revenues, while also reaching more donors and gaining the momentum in social fundraising. Funraise is one such software, with several features that help nonprofits improve their processes as well as handle other aspects of running an organization, such as managing events and donors. Funraise is a complete, all-encompassing tool for nonprofits based on the experience of other organizations. Fundraising activities can determine the future of any organisation. Fundraising does more than raise funds. Fundraising helps nonprofits work together towards a common goal, motivates nonprofits towards organization and planning, and keeps the nonprofit organization financially.
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