competitive advantages, high-speed traffic, efficiency, development, railway transport enterprises, infrastructure, investmentsAbstract
Rail transport is one of the main in the national transport system. Railway transport companies perform a significant amount of freight and passenger traffic within the country and abroad. But in recent decades, the industry has begun to rapidly lose its position in the market and one of the opportunities for railway companies to maintain their position in the transport market is to increase train speeds, reduce travel time, improve travel comfort, etc. Today, high-speed communication is an important means of attracting customers on the railway in competition with other modes of transport. Currently in the world there is no clear division of trains at maximum speed. They are conventionally divided into classic, high-speed, high-speed and suburban. High-speed traffic is traffic at speeds in excess of 250 km / h. Basically, traffic at this speed is organized for passenger traffic during the day to ensure a comfortable trip over long distances. Regarding our country, over the last few years «Ukrzaliznytsia» has been actively introducing high-speed traffic and plans to increase the speed of trains to 180 km / h on existing tracks. And due to the fact that "Intercity" moves on the same tracks as freight trains, the railway surface needs constant updating and minor repairs. The deterioration of the railway infrastructure is currently critical. Under such conditions, decisions on the introduction of high-speed traffic require the search for investment sources. This requires the justification of a balanced financial mechanism for raising funds through private investment, leasing, credit or joint financing instruments. Most countries that actively implement high-speed traffic projects are financed not only from state budgets, but also receive budget subsidies for the operation of this area. The problems of implementing high-speed traffic and accelerating the existing ones lie in the plane of technical-technological and important organizational-economic tasks, and therefore only a comprehensive approach based on a system of scientifically sound principles and further management decisions will ensure their effective solution and ensure high the level of competitiveness of railway transport enterprises.
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