employees, staff, children'shealthandrecreationfacilities, pedagogicalstaff, medicalstaff, regionAbstract
The article reveals the use of employees of children's health and recreation facilities in the summer of 2019. A reasonable definition of "enterprise personnel" is given. Attention is paid to the number of staff in general, as well as by professions and regionally. The average number of children per employee in children's health and recreation facilities is indicated. Particular importance is attached to pedagogical and medical workers, as well as data on kitchen workers and administrative and economic and service personnel. The highest regional employment of staff in Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv, Odesa oblasts was noted, and Ternopil oblast was singled out, where there was a great need to create such institutions and increase employment in this field of activity. There is a lot of classical analysis of the use of personnel in enterprises. But to date, the analysis of the use of staff in the field of hospitality is not so much, and children's health and recreation in general is not enough. That is why attention is paid to this analysis. It is stated that during the pandemic it is necessary to know clearly the future of the young generation and how to improve their health. A study of literature and other sources on the analysis of the use of staff in the field of hospitality allows us to conclude that despite the study of this issue, it is not given enough attention. The formation of the objectives of the article is that it is necessary to constantly analyze the use of staff in the field of hospitality, to identify problems and solve them, in order to obtain the highest profitability of these enterprises. Based on the analysis, we conclude that the situation with the use of staff in children's health and recreation facilities in the summer of 2019 was ambiguous. Children's institutions, taking into account the peculiarities of their activities, use the work of different professions, which is inherent in them. The study of this issue led to the following conclusions: in Ukraine there is a system of rehabilitation and recreation of children throughout the territory; the system employs full-time staff, with almost ten times less staff working in children's health facilities than in institutions engaged in their recreation; two thirds of the staff working in health facilities are out-of-town facilities, and therefore there is a monopsony labor market; every ninth out of ten employees in leisure facilities works in a day care facility.
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