
  • Yurii Senyk West Ukrainian National University




FMEA method, lean production, production laboratory, risk assessment, competitiveness


The scientific work considers the application of the FMEA risk assessment method modified for the system of lean production for production laboratories of dairy processing enterprises. The algorithm of failure mode and effect analysis is described and the basic principles of calculation S (significance of potential failures), O (probability of failure), D (probability of failure) and RPN (risk priority number) are indicated. The two main disadvantages of the classical approach of the FMEA methodology are considered: first, the “risk priority number” of the FMEA does not allow to differentiate different consequences of risk depending on their impact on the company and, secondly, the team of FMEA specialists can average values of S, O and D, which may make discrepancies in the calculation of "risk priority number". To eliminate these shortcomings, a modification proposed by Rapinder Sawhney and others is used, which consists in the use of an integrated indicator "value of risk assessment". The RAV in digital terms is the ratio of the product of the probability of its occurrence and the severity of the consequences for the company to the ways of identifying this failure. On the other hand, this value can be interpreted as the ratio of the risk profile of the LEAN system to the efficiency of the methods developed by it to detect and manage non-compliance. The meaning of this alternative approach is to shift the focus from risk as an object of analysis to the effectiveness of the developed system to detect and manage it. This method allows you to focus not only on ways to reduce the severity of the impact of risk on enterprises, but also on ways to determine it. A separate table template, presented in the text of the article, was chosen to analyze the risks of the production laboratory according to the modified FMEA methodology. It contains both FMEA elements and a way to solve critical indicators according to LEAN principles. This approach to the work of the laboratory is extremely important, because it is from the efficiency and accuracy of the research will depend on the possibility of avoiding direct losses for the company and the production of safe and high-quality products.


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