


innovative investments, venture capital, risk, risk coverage mechanism


One of the investment resources of innovation financing is venture capital, which is a catalyst for scientific and technological progress. At the present stage, the intensification of innovation processes in Ukraine requires substantiation of the possibilities of attracting probable sources of financing for risk-related projects, in particular, venture funds of domestic and foreign origin. The intensification of innovation in all spheres of life makes it possible to ensure positive structural changes in the economic system of the state, increase its scientific and technical achievements and provide opportunities to increase innovation potential. Some issues of features and justification of the feasibility of using venture financing in some specific sectors of the economy of Ukraine are practically not substantiated. Venture capital is characterized of a higher aggregate risk compared to other forms of capital. Issues of studying the impact of venture capital on the development of innovative investments have always been in focus of foreign and domestic scientists and practitioners. The innovation development is accompanied of a significant level of financial risk, which influence on the availability and cost of investment resources. Some sectors of the economy, that need development, are not always attractive for venture financing. Risk assessment of innovative investment does not have an unambiguous solution. A common problem for the development of venture financing in the country is the risk coverage mechanism. Methods of minimizing and insuring the risks of venture projects include risk sharing or diversification, reservation of funds to cover unforeseen expenses, risk insurance. The first two areas are more realistic for investors in Ukraine, the latter is difficult. The derivatives market in the risk insurance system is not always available for domestic enterprises. Also, further research requires the development of a methodological framework for assessing the feasibility of using venture financing in different industries, taking into account the specifics of each.


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