


enterpris, innovations, innovative technologies, hotel and restaurant service, innovative strategies, COVID-19


The article raises the issue of finding effective approaches to the introduction of innovative technologies in the hospitality industry, substantiates the need for an efficient service sector in conditions of fierce competition and high consumer requirements for the quality of services received by the hotel and restaurant industry. The state of the modern sphere of services is studied and it is emphasized that the introduction of innovative products, innovative technologies and innovative activities contributes to the development of the hotel and restaurant business. It is proved that effective innovation strategies are the main trajectory of economic development of hospitality enterprises. It is noted that the innovative activity of the hotel and restaurant industry includes the development, creation and implementation of innovations, as well as innovation management. Features of innovation management in the hospitality industry are considered. Management, organizational-technological, informational, marketing, social, ecological innovations are singled out among the most widespread in the hotel and restaurant business sector and the characteristic of these innovations is given. Innovations relevant to the restaurant business are studied: free WI-FI; organization of additional services; application of innovative technologies in cooking; interactive menu; showcase with models of menu dishes; use of robots in restaurant service; QR-code technologies; identification cards for personnel control. It is emphasized that when choosing an innovation strategy should focus on minimal risks, payback period, low cost of innovation, stability of revenues, high profitability. Measures to increase the competitive advantages of the hotel industry, focused on the creation and use of new improved innovative products. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the hotel business in Ukraine is analyzed. Innovative solutions at the hotel and restaurant business enterprises due to the introduction of quarantine measures under the condition of coronavirus COVID-19 are generalized.


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