


innovative development, management, principles, approaches, concept, national economy, European integration


The article explores the concept of "concept", which means a system of views on a particular phenomenon; the basic idea of the theory, its general idea, a certain way of understanding, interpretation of any object, phenomenon, process; "Conceptualization", which means the procedure of theoretical organization of knowledge and certain scientific material that defines the problem of maintaining links with other issues and "concept of innovation development management", which means a system of interconnected, logically constructed and sound ideas of innovation development various levels aimed at solving problems and tasks of scientific and technical policy of Ukraine by adhering to the principles, application of appropriate tools (methods, techniques, plans), which are structured and have scientific and practical significance. The concept of innovation development management in Ukraine has been developed. Conceptualization of the main aspects of innovation development management involves the definition of specific principles such as: orientation, clarity, systematization, optimality, heuristic, significance. In order to effectively use the tools of innovative development in the context of deepening integration processes in Ukraine, modern approaches are proposed: paradigmatic, functional, effective, information-reproductive, systemic, process-oriented. Traditional approaches based on the hierarchical functional distribution of management processes do not provide the desired effectiveness of innovation development processes, which raises the issue of modern approaches, new tools and methods of innovation development management. The effectiveness of innovative development is studied at different levels: at the micro level where intellectual property is developed and implemented, which leads to additional competitive advantages, and manifests itself in the ability to control a particular market segment by owning exclusive rights to a product or technology and at the macro level it is manifested in the increase of the level of economic development of the domestic economy of Ukraine and its regions, the growth of investments in the economy, the increase of Ukraine's rating in global international rankings.


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