performance, efficiency, business activities, enterprises, management, production and business activities, economic efficiency, transportation, servicesAbstract
Current economic conditions of business entities are characterized by unspecified conditions of the external environment, so it is difficult to plan indicators of performance of enterprises. Proceeding from such characteristics of the external environment and taking into account the impact on the internal environment, business entities should somehow be able to monitor all possible changes, in order to ensure effective adaptation to new or renewed quality changes. Since all business entities expect positive performance indicators, especially in the short and long term, Therefore, management understands that they depend on the efficiency of management decisions and the speed of reacting to the influences of external and internal environment factors. Thus, the positive results of the work of business entities indirectly depend on the processes of performance management of the business. Performance management companies can not be realized without the processes of evaluation and analysis of indicators of profitability and efficiency of production and business activities. When obtaining the results of the work of the company it is necessary to clearly respond to changes in the environment and implement the necessary competencies that positively influence the adoption and implementation of planned measures. Thus, the efficiency of performance management depends on the current work in a short-term perspective. Indicators of efficiency of production and business activities of business entities show how adapted the company is to external and internal environment challenges, which indirectly influence the results of management. Thus, we can talk about the direct link between such economic concepts as performance, profitability and efficiency. The overall indicator, which characterizes the performance of the work of the company is the efficiency of management of the subject of management. The summary indicators that determine the efficiency of management activities are profits, costs, revenues, collectability, profitability and total indicators. Thus, promisory indicators, i.e. productivity of labor, quality of resources, level of qualification, modernity of technology and technology, etc., influence the summary indices.
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