
  • Halyna Yurchenko Economics and management Institute of National university«Lviv Politechnic»
  • Yosyf Sytnyk Economics and management Institute of National university«Lviv Politechnic»



human capital, theory, enterprise management, post-epidemic management, COVID-19


Changes in the environment of business facilities certainly form new requirements for the modern employee, and at the same time make adjustments to the previously adopted approaches to human capital management. Distances, increased digitalisation and uncertainty caused by the epidemic of coronavirus infection in the world affected the economic environment and formed the need for rapid adaptation to new conditions. Human capital is inextricably linked to the human personality, is one of the forms of organization of personal potential. The aim of the research is to identify current trends in human capital management of the organization in the post-epidemic through retrospective analysis of the development of scientific thought around theories of human capital. The article uses the method of analysis, synthesis and generalization. The article considers the historical aspect of the development of scientific thought about the place of man in the economy of the enterprise and the state, investigates issues related to the definition of "human capital" in modern economy through retrospective analysis of human capital and the conditions of domestic economy. The article reveals the problems of theoretical and methodological foundations of the concept of human capital and its role in increasing the country’s competitiveness. In resilts human capital was analyzed as one of the most important resources of post-industrial socio-economic development. The definition and essence of the concept of "human capital" had been improved, taking into account today's conditions. The essence, content and features of human capital and its impact on the development of the country, enterprises, as well as its importance in the modern world were highlighted. Current trends in personnel management as human capital of the enterprise were analyzed, taking into account post-epidemic challenges. The socio-economic consequences of the COVID-19 epidemic pose new challenges to managers and require a reorientation to new principles and the search for alternative management approaches. At the same time, the article once again actualized the value of human capital at all possible levels of its manifestation, as well as demonstrated the expansion of its elements.


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