hospitality, hotel enterprises, management strategy, management, international experienceAbstract
The article is devoted to the principles of successful development and functioning of the hotel industry in modern conditions through the use of effective management. In the process of forming an effective system of overall quality management, it is important to focus on current and future customer needs, maintain leadership, ensure full involvement of hotel staff in improving service quality, apply a systematic approach to management and ensure continuous improvement of business results. The quality management mechanism should be based on effective systems of staff selection and training, quality control of services and monitoring of customer satisfaction. In the process of building a comprehensive quality management system for services provided by the hotel industry, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of marketing. Levels of labor productivity, production and marketing costs, as well as quality are significant factors in the profitable activities of the hotel industry. It is important to implement the principles of the code of ethical marketing; At the same time, consumers should be able to identify the technologies used to provide hotel and related services. The current state of development of hotel enterprises is highlighted. The characteristic of features of modern management of hotel enterprises is given. The urgency of creating and developing relevant areas for the hotel industry at the domestic level based on international experience and the need for their application in practice as a multi-element system that has a positive impact on the functioning of the national economy through the hospitality industry. The hotel industry is considered as one of the main determinants of the hospitality industry. Approaches to the use of modern management in the hotel industry are indicated. The problems of hotel management are identified and ways to improve management at the present stage are proposed. Therefore, effective quality management is a prerequisite for victory consumer loyalty. The quality characteristics of hotel services are closely linked reflecting customer expectations: security; compliance with contractual conditions; level of infrastructure development (equipment, information communication support, convenience of transport connection, appearance and interior of buildings), as well as skills and abilities staff.
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