


personnel, management, innovative technologies, ideas


The main purpose of the article is a systematic analysis of theoretical and practical aspects of the latest changes in the field of innovative technologies of personnel management for use in modern enterprises. The study of the development of innovative technologies of personnel management is carried out in the following logical sequence: identification of the latest international trends in personnel management technologies and the main features and benefits of using managerial innovations in personnel management, outlining their development prospects. Methodical tools were methods of analysis and synthesis, theoretical generalization, comparison, systematization, sociological survey and more. The article presents the results of empirical analysis of innovative technologies in personnel management of organizations, reveals the main trends in the development of personnel management technologies aimed at: fostering a sense of employee involvement in the organization, creating resilience to change, implementing bold action in uncertainty. These trends are presented as a set of attributes: goals, as a means of combining individual abilities of staff; potential as a means of maximizing employee creativity; prospects for future-oriented activities. The study showed that when discussing global trends in staff development, a deep understanding of social change, they can be viewed through the prism of goals, potential and prospects. The latter allows to determine the relevant requirements for the use of innovative technologies in the personnel management system of any organization. It is empirically confirmed and theoretically proved that the main focus in personnel management should be focused on the introduction and development of personnel technologies, implementation of innovative ideas in personnel management, ensuring the use of creative results of employees. In this regard, managers, HR managers need to guide employees to achieve a common goal and realize their involvement, capacity building, long-term development of employees in the face of existing changes and uncertainties.


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