
  • Iryna Zhila University «Interregional Academy of Personnel Management»



investment portfolio, investment, real returns, covariance, correlation coefficient


The article examined the practical aspects of analytical data for calculations to substantiate choice of packages of securities as part of the investment portfolio. Features of the investment portfolio were specify. The complexity, multifaceted nature and lack of development of a number of issues related to investing in securities, investment portfolio formation, their financial analysis, led to the need for scientific understanding and analysis of analytical support of specific information needs of interested users - professional stock market participants. However, they do not pay attention to a number of issues regarding the rational use of analytical data in the calculations associated with the formation of the investment portfolio. An investment portfolio is a collection of assets and may include investments such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds and exchange traded funds. An investment portfolio is more of a concept than a physical space, especially in the digital age, but it can be helpful to think of all your assets under one metaphorical roof.As the digital generation ages, the demand for digital supply from traditional financial service providers is growing. Perhaps more importantly, digital investment solutions reduce the cost of providing financial services through automation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning technologies, replacing human decision-making with algorithmic decision-making. After all, work does not require a desk, lunch breaks or pension contributions. To stay relevant and competitive, traditional financial institutions must accept this before they start losing customers because of competitors they already have.Portfolio investment is a passive investment of securities in a portfolio, made for profit. The profit is directly proportional to the risk. The composition of portfolio investments may depend on a number of factors, such as the investment horizon, the risk tolerance of investors and the amount invested. A young investor with limited funds may choose mutual funds or exchange-traded funds, as they may be appropriate portfolio investments. For a wealthy person, this includes goods, real estate and wood.In line with the concept of data dissemination and ever-increasing technological advances, practitioners say that in the future, most data will be created and transmitted through machines, as machines communicate with each other through data networks.


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