imbalances of economy, globalization, global economy, transnational capital, economic policyAbstract
The article is devoted to identifying the impact of globalization of economic relations on macroeconomic balance and the ability to grow in modern conditions. The influence of globalization on the achievement of macroeconomic stability is analyzed, taking into account the factors and features of globalization processes in the world. Its positive and negative consequences of globalization are outlined. Among its positive aspects are: acceleration of scientific and technological progress and diffusion of its results; the benefits of the international division of labor; the effects of scale and the rapid spread of innovation in different countries; strengthening the international movement of goods, capital, labor, the movement of ideas. The negative effects of globalization include: the struggle for redistribution of capital, changing the international division of labor, accelerating the spread of economic and financial crises, dependence on global institutions, the development of cultural, economic and other issues. The forms of economic imbalances have been identified and their primary cause has been the influence of global capital – intensifying the struggle between multinational companies, industrialized and the world’s poorest countries for monopoly ownership and redistribution of world resources. It is determined that the correction of economic disparities caused by globalization requires radical changes at all levels of the world economy, combining the interests of different categories of participants in economic relations, ensuring rational proportions between all elements of the economic system, the process of reproduction and exchange. It is require growing of real sector of the economy, increased investment and expanded reproduction. It is determined that the most important task for developed countries is the reindustrialization of the economy and reducing the dependence of the economy on government and consumer spending. The main goal for developing countries is to diversify sources of growth, in particular the reorientation of the economy from exports to domestic factors of development.
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