modeling, intellectual and innovative activity, geointellectual activity, national economy, strategist, clusteringAbstract
Intellectualization is the main driver of the economic system, and, consequently, the issues of increasing the level of intellectual and innovative activity of the Ukrainian economy are of paramount importance. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the methodological tools for modeling the intellectual and innovative activity of Ukraine on the use of modern tools for multidimensional clustering in the spatial format. The research used general scientific methods of knowledge of reality and economic analysis: observation and generalization, comparison, analysis and synthesis. The article examines the concepts of "activity", "innovation activity", "strategist" provides an author's definition of "geointellectual activity", substantiates the relationship between intellectual activity, innovation and intellectual space, presented in the form of a synergistic triad of intellectualization of the domestic economy. An organizational approach to modeling the level of intellectual and innovative activity of Ukraine is proposed, which provides for the aggregation of forecast estimates of indicators of intellectual development, intellectual activity and investment security of intellectual property, which creates strategic guidelines for increasing the intellectual attractiveness of Ukrainian regions. A graphical interpretation of the proposed approach to determine the type of model of intellectual and innovative activity of Ukraine is presented. To determine the pattern of the strategy of intellectual and innovative activity, a scale of assessment of determinants by the strategist of intellectual activity of the economy of the regions of Ukraine, based on a combination of the actual states of each indicator of the model. The characteristics of models of intellectual and innovative activity on the basis of definition of potential of strategists are resulted. The optimal model of intellectual and innovative activity (progressively active, moderately active and stochastically active) characteristic of each region of Ukraine and the strategic vector of its transformation are established.
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