tourism, tourism industry, COVID-19 pandemic, coronavirus, international tourist arrivals, domestic tourismAbstract
The coronavirus pandemic, which has engulfed almost all countries and caused a global crisis, has dealt a significant blow to many sectors of the economy, including the tourism sector. The tourism industry found itself in uncertain working conditions, which caused significant changes in the functioning of tourism entities. The article analyzes the current status and identifies tendencies in the development of the world tourism market in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as systematizes the measures implemented by Ukraine and other countries to stimulate and support the tourism industry. The contribution of tourism to the world GDP by the countries that are the most popular among tourists is analyzed. The percentage change in international tourist arrivals by region in 2020 and dynamics in destinations that were the most popular among tourists around the world in 2018–2020 is considered. It is identified that as a result of the pandemic, the indicators of tourism activities have decreased significantly, the tourism industry has suffered losses and there has been a significant reduction in tourist flows. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a significant decrease in the number of international tourist arrivals in all countries. In addition, to achieve its goal, the article systematizes the measures to improve the tourism climate of countries, stimulation and support of the tourism industry both during the COVID-19 pandemic and the post-pandemic period. It is identified that among the measures to stimulate and support the tourism industry in most countries, the main focus is placed on domestic tourism, which is less dependent on the global coronavirus crisis and quarantine measures, as well as the introduction of online forms and the wider use of marketing and digital tools in the provision of tourist services. According to the results of the study, the authors substantiate the need to support the enterprises of the tourism industry and stimulate the demand for domestic tourism on the part of Ukrainian government. Behind the wealth and success of the country is a policy that creates opportunities; the people who make the effort; and history, which shapes the cultural heritage of citizens.
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