


agricultural enterprise, efficiency, evaluation, competitiveness, competitiveness of agricultural enterprise, method, competitiveness management


The peculiarities of methodological support for assessing the competitiveness and effectiveness of managing the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises are studied. The basic principles of assessing the level of competitiveness of the enterprise, which must meet the method of evaluation in order to ensure the greatest accuracy and objectivity, soundness of evaluation results. An analysis of a number of different methods of assessing the level of competitiveness of the enterprise, which showed that they mostly meet only a few basic principles, and this makes them somewhat subjective and not as thorough as required by users, which may negatively affect the correctness of management decisions and tools used by business owners and managers. It is determined that when choosing and developing a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of enterprise competitiveness management, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of enterprise competitiveness and product competitiveness, which not only differ significantly but also significantly affect the results of evaluation. It is proved that for an agricultural enterprise the question of reliability of analysis, its thoroughness and functional completeness is of key importance, because its results are the basis for making appropriate management decisions to determine its market position, objective quantitative and qualitative assessment, formation and management of competitive advantages. and opportunities, realization of the competitive potential of the enterprise, selection of the necessary tools by the management, etc. The list of the most common shortcomings and features of evaluation methods is highlighted, and it is determined that they can be avoided by choosing a method that would meet most basic principles of assessing the competitiveness of the enterprise, used in combination with other methods, taking into account quantitative and qualitative indicators.


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