



flexible forms of employment, labour mobility, employment on online platforms, digitalization, balance of supply of educational services market and labour market demand


The aim of the article is to study the trends in the world of labour that will ensure the competitiveness of the economy. The factors that shaped the competitiveness of the national economy are analysed, its strengths and weaknesses are identified based on ratings. It is proved that one of the driving forces that can ensure the preservation of the competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy and form the potential for its revival is the level of knowledge, skills and qualifications of the workforce, the quality of education in Ukraine. Emphasis is placed on the preservation and development of human capital in the context of updating the education and training system for different age cohorts, with an emphasis on the skills needed for new jobs. It is determined that in Ukraine, in addition to standard employment, new more flexible forms of employment have developed in parallel, among which the most common are remote employment, Internet employment, work on digital platforms. Peculiarities of employment of Ukrainian freelancers on digital work platforms are revealed. Work on digital labour platforms offers flexibility and competitiveness, but is not without its downsides, including compromises to employees’ conditions of work. Whether or not there will be greater use of work on digital labour platforms in the immediate post-pandemic recovery period, the desirability of this form of employment for the employer needs to be balanced with the implications for workers. It is proved that digitalization in employment will form the basis for stable economic development, provided they are combined with measures to improve the abilities and skills of the individual. The directions of improvement of strategic management in employment are offered. Priority medium- and short-term employment policy measures have been identified: first, supporting employment and the transition from vulnerable self-employment to new opportunities in the labour market, and second, expanding retraining and advanced skills in combination with active labour market policy. This will balance the economic situation, create a more flexible and mobile workforce capable of working in conditions of instability.


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